LOGLINE: After reluctantly agreeing to drive a dead body 900 miles to a funeral, two slacker friends become determined to complete their mission after a series of bizarre events and increasingly dangerous groups take an interest in their cargo.
7 Finalist Competition Finishes | Rated in Top 3% on Coverfly.com.

2023 Quarterfinalist in Austin Film Festival's Screenplay Competition!
The Last Road Trip by Jeffrey Brack
The Last Road Trip by Jeffrey Brack

Coverfly is a professional screenwriting dashboard that aggregates contest and coverage results into a composite metric to help the industry gauge your project's potential quality. With 6 Finalist Awards, "The Last Road Trip" has moved into the Top 3% rated screenplays on Coverfly. | View Dashboard

2023 Quarterfinalist in Outstanding Screenplays Feature Competition!
The Last Road Trip by Jeffrey Brack | Announcement Link
The Last Road Trip by Jeffrey Brack | Announcement Link

2023 FINALIST (Top 10 features) in The Golden Script Fellowship!
The Last Road Trip by Jeffrey Brack | Announcement Link
The Last Road Trip by Jeffrey Brack | Announcement Link

Coverfly is a professional screenwriting dashboard that aggregates contest and coverage results into a composite metric to help the industry gauge your project's potential quality. With 5 Finalist Awards, "The Last Road Trip" has moved into the Top 4% rated screenplays on Coverfly. | View Dashboard
2023 Reader Feedback:
"The dialogue is undoubtedly the script’s unique selling point. Becoming the engine for the narrative early on, the dialogue is constantly active in providing distinguishable speech patterns, tackling the backstories, and integrating subtext and second-level exchanges. And in Stasia’s situation, it serves as a dramaturgical device which is excellently integrated during the pool sequence at the end of the second act. Furthermore, the dialogue gives us a better idea of Aaron and Graham’s friendship, making it organic and relatable. ...the levity, the approach towards the sympathetic characters, and the underlying threat contribute to creating a solid pitch that would undoubtedly make the viewers curious to find out more, especially because 'The Last Road Trip' has a re-watch value. ...'The Last Road Trip' is an exciting experience that deserves the attention and praise it receives."
"The dialogue is undoubtedly the script’s unique selling point. Becoming the engine for the narrative early on, the dialogue is constantly active in providing distinguishable speech patterns, tackling the backstories, and integrating subtext and second-level exchanges. And in Stasia’s situation, it serves as a dramaturgical device which is excellently integrated during the pool sequence at the end of the second act. Furthermore, the dialogue gives us a better idea of Aaron and Graham’s friendship, making it organic and relatable. ...the levity, the approach towards the sympathetic characters, and the underlying threat contribute to creating a solid pitch that would undoubtedly make the viewers curious to find out more, especially because 'The Last Road Trip' has a re-watch value. ...'The Last Road Trip' is an exciting experience that deserves the attention and praise it receives."

2022 Quarterfinalist in Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards!
The Last Road Trip by Jeffrey Brack | Announcement Link
The Last Road Trip by Jeffrey Brack | Announcement Link
2022 Reader Feedback:
"The writer has such a clear talent for creating brilliant dialogue. They have completely understood what was needed from these characters, as the audience has to buy into their bond, so that the romances, familial reveals, and ultimately losses genuinely have an emotional impact. The dialogue felt real and delivered exposition in a really authentic way. It's so easy to identify each personality through subtleties within the way that the characters interact with one another."
"The writer has such a clear talent for creating brilliant dialogue. They have completely understood what was needed from these characters, as the audience has to buy into their bond, so that the romances, familial reveals, and ultimately losses genuinely have an emotional impact. The dialogue felt real and delivered exposition in a really authentic way. It's so easy to identify each personality through subtleties within the way that the characters interact with one another."
2022 Quarterfinalist in ScreenCraft's Drama Screenplay Competition!
The Last Road Trip by Jeffrey Brack | Announcement Link
The Last Road Trip by Jeffrey Brack | Announcement Link
2022 Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards Coverage:
"Dialogue is brisk, funny, and poignant where appropriate. The dialogue feels authentic and is distilled to only the necessary words. Back and forth interchanges between Graham and Aaron feel like conversations between long-time best friends… Dialogue is also engaging and entertaining, so it never feels like talking heads in a car chatting without stakes… The tone expertly weaves comedy and drama into a compelling story. Much of the humor lay in the distinct reactions of the characters to dangerous and unexpected situations… Initial emotional investment is relatively high simply because of Aaron and Graham’s character traits then only grows as they journey together… It’s a solid narrative, funny and touching, that follows a relatively simple adventure with highly engaging characters… The narrative has themes...such as that the journey is more important than the destination, and sometimes finding yourself means launching yourself into the unknown. Another theme the writer explores: if you want to go far, go together. All of these themes resonate. All four characters in the car find something they weren't necessarily looking for and wouldn't have without their going on the journey together… Great comedic and dramatic balance. Funny, engaging characters with complete arcs. Strong plot structure for a road film. Sharp dialogue… The script is a solid road trip film with entertaining characters in an engaging and touching story. The bonus is that it would be cheap to make, making it an attractive lower-budget film to produce. From both a dramatic and comedic perspective, it's a satisfying story."
"Dialogue is brisk, funny, and poignant where appropriate. The dialogue feels authentic and is distilled to only the necessary words. Back and forth interchanges between Graham and Aaron feel like conversations between long-time best friends… Dialogue is also engaging and entertaining, so it never feels like talking heads in a car chatting without stakes… The tone expertly weaves comedy and drama into a compelling story. Much of the humor lay in the distinct reactions of the characters to dangerous and unexpected situations… Initial emotional investment is relatively high simply because of Aaron and Graham’s character traits then only grows as they journey together… It’s a solid narrative, funny and touching, that follows a relatively simple adventure with highly engaging characters… The narrative has themes...such as that the journey is more important than the destination, and sometimes finding yourself means launching yourself into the unknown. Another theme the writer explores: if you want to go far, go together. All of these themes resonate. All four characters in the car find something they weren't necessarily looking for and wouldn't have without their going on the journey together… Great comedic and dramatic balance. Funny, engaging characters with complete arcs. Strong plot structure for a road film. Sharp dialogue… The script is a solid road trip film with entertaining characters in an engaging and touching story. The bonus is that it would be cheap to make, making it an attractive lower-budget film to produce. From both a dramatic and comedic perspective, it's a satisfying story."
2022 ScreenCraft Drama Screenplay Competition Coverage:
"The dialogue was a definite standout element of the piece, and the author does an exceptional job of crafting witty and character-driven dialogue that does a great job of exploring the characters' personalities and more emotional conflicts while also remaining fun and upbeat and full of humor in the right moments. The author shows an excellent command of crafting quirky and unique voices for each of the characters that do an excellent job of fleshing out the characters' personalities for the reader. The dialogue was funny and believable throughout and gave great personality to the script… The colorful ensemble cast of side players each featured fun and recognizable voices that covered a wide range of demographics and types, showing the author's versatility and strength with creating engaging supporting characters who do an exceptional job of fleshing out the world of the story… The script is professionally presented, and the author shows a strong command of the technical craft of writing for the screen and demonstrates a thorough understanding of the medium. The piece has a clear voice and unique tone that definitely help to set the writer apart. Overall, this was a fun and enjoyable buddy road comedy with some definite promise."
"The dialogue was a definite standout element of the piece, and the author does an exceptional job of crafting witty and character-driven dialogue that does a great job of exploring the characters' personalities and more emotional conflicts while also remaining fun and upbeat and full of humor in the right moments. The author shows an excellent command of crafting quirky and unique voices for each of the characters that do an excellent job of fleshing out the characters' personalities for the reader. The dialogue was funny and believable throughout and gave great personality to the script… The colorful ensemble cast of side players each featured fun and recognizable voices that covered a wide range of demographics and types, showing the author's versatility and strength with creating engaging supporting characters who do an exceptional job of fleshing out the world of the story… The script is professionally presented, and the author shows a strong command of the technical craft of writing for the screen and demonstrates a thorough understanding of the medium. The piece has a clear voice and unique tone that definitely help to set the writer apart. Overall, this was a fun and enjoyable buddy road comedy with some definite promise."
2021 Quarterfinalist in ScreenCraft's Feature Screenplay Competition!
Currently Top 400 for Feature Drama Screenplay | Announcement Link
Currently Top 400 for Feature Drama Screenplay | Announcement Link

Coverfly is a professional screenwriting dashboard that aggregates contest and coverage results into a composite metric to help the industry gauge your project's potential quality. "The Last Road Trip" is currently rated in the Top 10% of screenplays on Coverfly. | View Dashboard

2021 ScreenCraft Feature Screenplay Competition Coverage:
“These characters are believable and fleshed out well… This script has a strong structure throughout the whole piece... Overall, I feel that the dialogue was very to the point which dictates the moods of the primary characters and the ratcheting up of the tension and action in the second and third act… The characters spoke with distinct accents, tones, and dialectics relative to their environment, which was a welcomed addition to the already excellent script. Each character was readily identifiable by the manner in which they spoke, with some even having different cadences that could be picked up on.”
“These characters are believable and fleshed out well… This script has a strong structure throughout the whole piece... Overall, I feel that the dialogue was very to the point which dictates the moods of the primary characters and the ratcheting up of the tension and action in the second and third act… The characters spoke with distinct accents, tones, and dialectics relative to their environment, which was a welcomed addition to the already excellent script. Each character was readily identifiable by the manner in which they spoke, with some even having different cadences that could be picked up on.”

2020 Semifinalist in Final Draft's Big Break Screenwriting Contest!
Top 48 for Feature Drama Screenplay | Announcement Link
Top 48 for Feature Drama Screenplay | Announcement Link

2021 BlueCat Screenplay Competition Coverage:
"Your dialogue is phenomenally strong – maintaining a rhythmic and clever sensibility throughout the entire narrative. You do a wonderful job of making the relationships and dynamics between your characters feel realistic. Graham and Aaron genuinely do feel like good friends and have a great deal of chemistry – which is particularly well put on display during their initial exchange about the number of eligible women in Austin on pages 10-15. Similarly, the romantic relationship between Aaron and Stasia feels completely believable – and the scene where the characters speak in ASL at the pool does a great job of demonstrating the bond between these characters. Your action and description lines are vivid and cinematic – giving your readers a clear and vivid picture of the action transpiring onscreen. Your action sequences are visceral and tons of fun – and you do a great job of utilizing flashbacks to provide a cinematic picture of your characters’ backstories."
"Your dialogue is phenomenally strong – maintaining a rhythmic and clever sensibility throughout the entire narrative. You do a wonderful job of making the relationships and dynamics between your characters feel realistic. Graham and Aaron genuinely do feel like good friends and have a great deal of chemistry – which is particularly well put on display during their initial exchange about the number of eligible women in Austin on pages 10-15. Similarly, the romantic relationship between Aaron and Stasia feels completely believable – and the scene where the characters speak in ASL at the pool does a great job of demonstrating the bond between these characters. Your action and description lines are vivid and cinematic – giving your readers a clear and vivid picture of the action transpiring onscreen. Your action sequences are visceral and tons of fun – and you do a great job of utilizing flashbacks to provide a cinematic picture of your characters’ backstories."

2021 WeScreenplay Competition Coverage:
"'The Last Road Trip' is a very compelling story that stands out with its unique setting and complex cast. The screenplay is also masterfully crafted… The characters of the story are undoubtedly one of its chief strengths because they are active and three-dimensional… The plot is bulletproof… The dialogue is another one of the most significant story mechanics. The writer has exhibited an excellent command of the English language as exposition has been kept to a minimum, while there are rarely any lines that are on the nose. In contrast, context and subtext have been employed to convey crucial information implicitly… The story has a fantastic setting that helps keep the theme of the story consistent and relevant to the moral messages embedded in the core of the premise. This gives the cast and the narrative a ton of depth, and the overall story immense value… The story is more than auspicious, and the writer has a unique voice and an authentic perspective that enhance the screenplay. This is a very entertaining and memorable read.”
"'The Last Road Trip' is a very compelling story that stands out with its unique setting and complex cast. The screenplay is also masterfully crafted… The characters of the story are undoubtedly one of its chief strengths because they are active and three-dimensional… The plot is bulletproof… The dialogue is another one of the most significant story mechanics. The writer has exhibited an excellent command of the English language as exposition has been kept to a minimum, while there are rarely any lines that are on the nose. In contrast, context and subtext have been employed to convey crucial information implicitly… The story has a fantastic setting that helps keep the theme of the story consistent and relevant to the moral messages embedded in the core of the premise. This gives the cast and the narrative a ton of depth, and the overall story immense value… The story is more than auspicious, and the writer has a unique voice and an authentic perspective that enhance the screenplay. This is a very entertaining and memorable read.”

Podcast Appearance:
Old Pueblo New Economy: Mentor Me Live with Aaron Eden | Guest: Jeff Brack | Finding Film Funding & Re-Invigorating Tucson's Film Industry | Podcast Link
Old Pueblo New Economy: Mentor Me Live with Aaron Eden | Guest: Jeff Brack | Finding Film Funding & Re-Invigorating Tucson's Film Industry | Podcast Link